Today I promise I'm not going to recount the usual problems with trains, tickets, directions and so on, since it's all a standard start to the day you know the drill by now! So, eventually (it's always eventually isn't it, I simply don't understand why it's so difficult to find anywhere in this city, and why people seem to delight in either pretending they don't know where a place is - of course they know, they live here - or send you off in completely the wrong direction) eventually I found the National Monument, and I was so pleased I did. It is situated in a delightful park (not easy to find and a fair way from the main part of the park) and resides peacefully in the centre of a symmetrically designed body of water. It is striking and impressive, and represents men who fought and died for their country of Malaysia. This brings me neatly into one of my pet hates while travelling: what is it about people that they are so self obsessed that the solemnit...